Whether you’re a man or a woman, a lesbian or a gay man, the status of a “gold star” has little to do with your sexuality. Rather, it’s based on a person’s status as a star. It’s a way of highlighting their importance in society, and a way of recognizing their achievements. It’s a status that has become common in the media, especially in the context of entertainment.

Five Reasons Why Gold Star Lesbian Is a Misnomer
Five Reasons Why “Gold Star Lesbian” Is a Misnomer


Among the many words and acronyms associated with the LGBTQ community, “Gold Star Lesbian” is one that is especially troublesome. Although the term is often used to refer to lesbians who have never had sex with a man, there are five reasons why the term is a poor fit for the community.

For starters, the term is exclusionary. Not only is it problematic for non-conventional LGBTs, but it’s also a derogatory term. The term is also a bit misleading, referring to someone who may actually be a lesbian but is not a lesbian in the conventional sense.

The term is also a derogatory, implying that someone who has not done anything with a man deserves a different color star than a lesbian who has had sex with a man.

Gay man

Those who are part of the LGBT community often use terms that are confusing. Sometimes they can even be sexist. For example, you may hear a gay man say, “Gold Star Gay.” This term refers to a certain type of gay man.

A Gold Star Gay is a gay man who has never had sex with a woman. This is a controversial term because it is meant to make jokes about the sexuality of lesbians. In addition to making sexist jokes, the term also stigmatizes survivors of sexual violence.

There are several other phrases that are used to describe people who are part of the LGBT community. These terms are often used to create a competitive nature within the LGBT community.

Person who has never had sex with the opposite gender

Using the term “gold star” to describe someone who has never had sex with the opposite gender is a bit of a stretch. This isn’t to say that there aren’t any gold star lesbians, but the title is a bit of a misnomer.

In the real world, the “gold star” lesbian is usually around age 19. A gold star gay is one of the most self-deprecating terms you’ll ever hear. The term isn’t a direct reference to someone; rather, it describes an individual who has a sincerely held identity.

Whether or not the term is a gimmick, the “gold star” sex-free lesbian deserves a closer look. Some critics question why some gay men insist on using the phrase to denote sex.