The question of how much do phone sex workers make is not always easy to answer. The average pay is less than $10,000 a year. The hourly rate depends on the type of service you perform.

How Much Do Phone Sex Workers Make
How Much Do Phone Sex Workers Make?

Many phone sex companies don’t invest in training their operators. As a result, most operators are women and callers are mostly men. While there are tens of thousands of active accounts, only a small percentage of phone sex operators make more than $10,000 per year.

Working from home

If you have ever wondered how phone sex workers make money working from home, you may have found the answer in the Instagram account of Cidney Green. The 30-year-old, with cat-eye glasses and talon-like nails, has earned over $150,000 per year servicing callers’ fantasies. And with so much experience under her belt, she has plenty of tips to sell.

The pay for this job depends on the company. Most companies pay their phone sex operators per minute. This means that if you make a ten-minute call, you will earn $10. But if you wait two hours for another gig, you might be lucky to get paid $60.

Hourly rate

The hourly rate of phone sex workers varies greatly depending on the company, but most companies pay by the minute. In order to make the most money, you must speak to as many people as possible. The goal is to fulfill the desires of the caller. This job requires the right temperament and personality.

Phone sex workers can also choose to start their own business. Unlike regular employees, these workers will not have the benefits of a company and will need to take care of their taxes. Additionally, they will need to sign on to the site whenever they wish to take a call. In addition, there may be periods of downtime during which they can’t work.

While phone sex gigs usually cater to female, cash-strapped moms, male sex workers also exist. Although these gigs aren’t as popular among men, they are nonetheless a big part of this industry. And while lawsuits against phone sex companies are rare, they do exist. Tele Pay workers have spoken out about their struggles with these companies. And although phone sex companies make big claims about wages, they rarely line up with reality.


Phone sex workers enjoy an abundance of flexibility in their job. They can choose to take their calls while wearing pajamas or a boring t-shirt, or they can choose to work from home. There are no set hours or quotas, and they can work whenever they want.

Because many phone sex calls take place late at night, phone sex jobs usually require flexible hours. It is essential to have a flexible schedule, since the majority of phone sex calls will occur on the weekends and late at night. You must also be available to answer a variety of calls from different clients.

To be a phone sex operator, you must be motivated, have a good memory, and be organized. You should also have an interest in working as part of a team. In addition, you must have a healthy attitude toward rules and policies. With these requirements in mind, you can have success as a phone sex worker.

Education needed to perform kinks

To work as a phone sex worker, you need to have a thorough knowledge of kinks and fetishes, and be willing to educate yourself in this area. Different clients will ask for different types of kinks, so it is imperative that you are aware of these differences. Also, you must be honest with yourself and the caller about your preferences. For example, if you feel uncomfortable performing a kink, turn over the call to another operator.

The first thing you need to understand is kink. It is a set of sexually-explicit acts that most people find pleasurable. They can be as simple as tickling or as complex as blindfolding or handcuffing the other person. They can also include humiliation, pain, and sensory deprivation, but they can all be very enjoyable.

Support groups for phone sex workers

There are many resources available for phone sex workers who are experiencing psychological and emotional distress. These services are confidential and free. One such resource is a 24-hour national hotline that connects callers to a trained counselor. Another good option is the Disaster Distress Helpline, which offers crisis counseling and emotional support around the clock.

Some of the members of these groups are former phone sex operators, or PSOs. These professionals share their experiences and provide tips for those considering this career path. Others are recovering from mental illness or traumatic events and want to make some money while doing something they enjoy. Some callers find phone sex to be empowering.