If you find a guy online and you both really like each other, meeting in person may be a good idea. However, be careful, people present a different side online and it’s easy to fall for a glorified version of themselves.

How to Find an Online Boyfriend Who's Looking For a Commitment-Oriented Relationship
How to Find an Online Boyfriend Who’s Looking For a Commitment-Oriented Relationship

Many dating experts believe that communicating online before meeting IRL (in real life) can actually foster strong relationships.

1. Use a dating site

Anyone who has looked for love in real life knows that finding someone who wants a commitment-oriented relationship can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. This is why online dating apps have been so helpful.

To check whether a person you are interested in is on dating sites, search for them on social media with their name and see if they have any profiles. You can also use reverse email search websites like Social Catfish.

2. Go to social events

If you want to meet men, try going to social events. These can be a great place to find someone who is looking for love.

Always do some research on your date before you agree to meet them. This can include doing a google search, checking their Facebook pages, and checking out their social media pictures. This will help you avoid being scammed.

3. Go to parks

Parks are a great place to meet people. Whether you’re at the dog park, a National park, or just your local community park, there are plenty of opportunities to meet people and strike up conversations.

Just try to avoid going to parks where people are looking for random hookups or no-strings-attached sex. This could come across as creepy! Instead, go to places where you can have fun.

4. Go to gyms

The gym is a great place to meet men, especially if you love working out and want someone who does too. However, it’s important to be respectful and not stalk your gym crush.

Instead, try taking a class that encourages conversation like boxing or a cardio dance class. Also, try to smile a little more often (but not while you’re lifting weights). This will make him feel comfortable approaching you.

5. Go to bars

Going to bars is a great way to meet new people. However, it’s important to find a bar that you feel comfortable in. You don’t want to be surrounded by aggressively horny people.

Also, be sure to wear appropriate clothing for the setting. Men tend to prefer a direct approach, so make your first move with a smile. Also, try to look for common interests.

6. Go to coffee shops

While it may be tempting to stay on a dating app and hope that a man approaches you, Berg says changing up your routine and giving yourself new opportunities to meet men can make all the difference. For example, try going to a different coffee shop than the one near your house.

Strike up a conversation with a guy while you’re there – it will help pass the time and who knows? You might just meet someone special.

7. Go to the gym

If blind dates and online dating aren’t working for you, the gym may be the place to score your next boyfriend. It’s a judgment-free environment where you can chat to people about their workout routine. Try taking a boxing class and see who you meet.

Just be careful not to come across as a creep. Don’t interrupt their workout or show off too much skin.

8. Go to the beach

In this age of random hookups and no-strings-attached sex, it can be hard to find a guy who is looking for something more than just a quick fling. However, the beach pier is still an excellent place to meet potential dates and see whether there is compatibility.

Remember to keep up with your appearance and stay active. You never know when the right guy will come along!

9. Go to concerts

If you and your online boyfriend have the same music taste, catching a concert together could be a great way to bond. Plus, there are plenty of live events you can attend without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. Whether you want to get your adrenaline pumping at an amusement park or sit down for some opera, there are endless options.

10. Go to the movies

A great way to spend a weekend with your online boyfriend is by watching a movie. However, choosing which movie to watch can be difficult.

If you want to see a lighthearted look at long-distance relationships, try You’ve Got Mail. This film is set during the time when online dating first started and shows how a couple kept their relationship alive over the Internet.