The mentality that people have when first starting to date tends to be filled with particular qualities, physical features, and enjoyment of specific hobbies and pastimes.
There is a vision of what it is that they want, and they feel like they have all of the time in the world to find that perfect person or people. As time goes by, many realize that some of these things are a lot less important. with greater life experience can come a realization that people who are different or do not fit into the categories that you are looking for yourself can also be amazing.
Here are some examples of attributes that some might find more attractive, but are limiting the numbers of amazing people that they could connect with and possibly have a fantastic life with.
This can go with any type of body that is being singled out. By looking for people that are just muscular, just slim, are well endowed, or any of a number of other physical attributes, you may be missing out on some amazing people that can change your life forever. Additionally, as people get older, their metabolisms slow down, and they are likely to change in appearance anyway. Some of the most important parts of people are their zest for life, the drive they have towards their goals, their personality, and how they deal with conflict and problems as they come up.
Not Divorced
When people have been around for a lower number of years, it is easy to find others in the same age range that have not been married and do not have kids. Many people that are lower in age are not wanting to date people that have other commitments like children because either they feel they are not ready, do not want children, or simply because there are enough people on the market that it doesn’t seem to affect their lives to put this restriction in place. Many people that have previously been married are fantastic, as well as many people that are single parents. As people get older, the likelihood of meeting people that have not already been married or do not have children goes down. This is often an item that gets removed from people’s deal breaker list, either due to meeting people that have been divorced (or have children) who are amazing fits or for a plethora of other reasons.