Here are some phone sex examples of what to say and do to make your girl want you more. Try saying a sexy word, and try to get out of your comfort zone a little. Use active verbs and sexually suggestive questions. Also, don’t be afraid to replay your phone sex session.

Phone Sex Examples of What to Say and Do to Make Your Girl Want You More
Phone Sex Examples of What to Say and Do to Make Your Girl Want You More

Getting out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone is a very important skill to learn when it comes to attracting women. You can avoid getting stuck in your comfort zone by taking small, manageable steps. This will help you increase your motivation and overcome any fear you might have. First, identify the thing in your life that you’re scared of. For example, you may be uncomfortable asking for help. Getting help can free up your time and mental energy to pursue other things.

Once you’ve determined your fears, start by taking small steps towards overcoming them. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to take risks and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Taking these steps will not only help you to improve yourself, but will also make other situations easier to handle. As long as you do it with confidence, you’ll be surprised by how much better you’ll feel about yourself.

Once you’re confident enough to break out of your comfort zone, you’ll be able to overcome your inhibitions and develop an intimate connection. It can be hard and scary, but you’ll be glad you did. By stepping outside your comfort zone, you’ll also be more open to new experiences and opportunities. This can help you build a stronger mindset for your future.

Using active verbs

Phone sex can be a challenge. Using active verbs can help you get your partner on board and avoid embarrassing situations. The key is to be open, honest, and clear about what you want. Also, you need to give your partner the option of opting out at any time. For instance, if you want to have phone sex with a woman, you can start by sending flirty texts.

If you’re not comfortable being very vocal, try thinking about what puts you in a mood and then think of a way to describe that. You can also think of places and things that make you feel good. This way, you can finish your sentences and get the most out of the experience.

Phone sex can be an exciting addition to your relationship. It can turn the heat on the relationship and leave your partner longing for more. However, remember that phone sex doesn’t change the rules of consent. It’s okay if your partner changes her mind, and don’t let her pressure you to continue. As long as you’re honest and respectful, phone sex can be a fun way to get to know your partner better.

Recapping a phone sex session

Recapping a phone sex is a great way to spice things up a bit. You can break out your fantasy bank and describe all the fun scenarios you could do in a lover’s arms or on the phone. You could even role-play sex and have group sex!

During a phone sex session, the main objective is to make each other feel pleasure. You can do this by putting your favorite toys within reach and focusing on each other’s bodies and their words. You may also want to give a little more foreplay to your partner if he or she feels like masturbating during the call.

One of the best things about phone sex is that it’s safe. You don’t have to deal with the usual pressure or awkwardness. It can be a safe way to play with kink. You can ask your partner for instructions or give directions. As long as both partners give equal effort, there’s no reason why you can’t have sex over the phone.