The sexual blueprint quiz is an online tool that allows you to learn more about your own sex preferences. You can take it for free or pay for a paid version.

Take a Sexual Blueprint Quiz to Discover Your Sexual Blueprint
Take a Sexual Blueprint Quiz to Discover Your Sexual Blueprint

It contains 10 questions that help you learn more about your preferred intimacy methods and music preferences. If you want to know more about your sex life, take the quiz today.


Take this Energetic sexual blueprint quiz to discover your unique blueprint for sex. Your blueprint can help you improve your relationship and improve your sex life. By knowing your erotic blueprint, you can improve your sex life and make your partner happy. This quiz is based on Jaiya’s theory that the pathway to sexual satisfaction is a blend of body and mind.

An energetic blueprint has strong arousal and a need for stimulation. They are attracted to physical intimacy, nudity, and a sensual atmosphere. An energetic blueprint has no problem getting stuck in their head, and may even enjoy yoga and meditation. However, they can easily get overstimulated and underwhelmed by the presence of a partner.


There are two basic types of sexual experience: the sensual and the physical. The sensual has a strong connection to the environment. It prefers a beautiful setting, whereas the sexual is focused on the act. In addition, the sexual is attracted to taboo. The shapeshifter, on the other hand, is attracted to the mixture of both.

To find out which type you are, take the erotic blueprint quiz. It is a useful tool in improving sex with your partner and developing a stronger sexual connection with your partner. It also helps you understand your partner’s needs and desires.


Taking a sensual sexual blueprint quiz can help you understand your own preferences. If you’re a sensual type, you enjoy physical intimacy and the stimulation of all your senses. You’re also drawn to beautiful settings. You tend to have an orgasm that is not just genital-focused, but is rather full-body.

A sex expert developed the Sensual sexual blueprint quiz, which involves answering a series of questions. The goal is to understand what turns you on, and how to avoid sexual incompatibility. The quiz is available at Jaiya’s website. Simply click on the link below to take the quiz, and you’ll see the results in a new window.

What’s more, the quiz also reveals your shared turn-ons. For instance, Erika and Damon both scored high in the energetic category, meaning that they are likely to turn on during sex. This is not to say that you’re doomed to failure; it simply means that you’ll be more comfortable in the bedroom with your partner if you know their turn-ons.


A sexual blueprint quiz helps you discover your erotic blueprint. Similar to a personality test, this quiz asks you about your physical characteristics and sexual preferences. The quiz aims to help you identify what turns you on and which characteristics you may want to avoid in a partner. It is free to take and is hosted on Jaiya’s website. You can access it by clicking here and opening a new window.

The test is a fun way to find out about your sexual preferences and erotic style. The results can help you find the right partner, understand your own desires, and move beyond any challenges that may arise. It even helps you improve communication with your partner.


There are many ways to know if you are a Shapeshifter sexually. If you’re a shapeshifter, you’re likely to be turned on by a lot of different things. For example, your sexuality could be influenced by your senses, your energy, or the taboo around sexuality. You might even be a very intuitive lover, making others feel like they’re in a fantasy world.

If you are a shapeshifter, you’ll need to find a partner with an open mind. Your partner must be willing to let you experiment with her or his tastes and desires. Otherwise, you could get stuck in the same old pattern of people-pleasing, which is not a good idea if you’re a shapeshifter.