You’ve finally broken up (for good) with your sweetheart. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, you just outgrew them. You’d spent your entire dating life with that one person, even turning down a few better options along the way.
Now, days after feeling great that you’ve moved on, you start to realize that your entire social life seems to have disappeared overnight. Even the friends you had before your relationship are acting distant, and everything feels really awkward with everyone. Even those teases that used to flirt with you, back when you were taken, have vanished off the radar completely.
Don’t worry! New friends, and even new romance, will come into your life again! All you have to do is take a few minutes NOT checking your social media feeds. Don’t fret about the tumbleweeds blowing across your once happening facebook feed, and stop posting newly single selfies on instagram for just a moment. Hear me out! There are literally thousands of people, just like you, facing this same dilemma. Looking for new friends, new romance, even those just looking for a quick “no strings attached” hook-up, and they’re right at your fingertips! One phone call can connect you with hundreds of people, or help you find a few special groups that the new you really wants to explore, and you can even meet that certain someone who will be into you in a whole new way!
These aren’t the chat lines of the old days. The ones your desperate uncle used to use to get laid when he wasn’t having luck in the dating department. No way! Today’s chat lines are full of real, everyday people just like you, who are looking for a whole new way to reconnect! The best part of today’s groups is that you’re totally anonymous! You can share as much or as little as you want, and you can be whoever you want to be without feeling self-conscious about having new interests or kinky desires that you could never reveal about yourself before. Even if you never actually hook-up with anyone you meet on the chat lines, it’s like an ace in the hole. As you go into the world, knowing that you can make any kind of connection with anyone on the phone, your confidence will radiate and attract a whole new social group that’s just yours! Now, that’s moving on with style!!