In English, we have other words for sexual intercourse. For example, we can say “to get a dicking,” “to engage in or have sexual intercourse,” and “to root and shake.” Depending on the context, these words can mean different things.

What Are Some Other Words For Sexual Intercourse
What Are Some Other Words For Sexual Intercourse?

So, in order to make the right impression, you should understand and use them properly. Listed below are some words you should know. The following examples are not exhaustive and may be confusing to some people.

Getting a dicking

The term “dick” has been used to describe a penis since at least the nineteenth century. Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang, the Oxford English Dictionary, and the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang all date the meaning to around 1888. The term is considered sexual slang, which means that it often first appears in speech, before being printed. However, some scholars suggest that it may have originated as far back as the 14th century.

Engage in/have (sexual) intercourse

‘Make love’ and ‘engage in/have sexual intercourse’ are popular terms that describe sexual activity between people. The word’sleep with’ is also used but it does not necessarily mean that two people had sex. There are also slang words for sexual intercourse, such as ‘kochac sie’ and ‘upraw sex’.

In the United States, for example, having sexual relations is significantly more common among adolescents who spend more unsupervised time with their peers. Various studies have shown that unsupervised time spent with peers is associated with higher risk of engaging in sexual intercourse. As such, it is essential to limit the amount of time adolescents spend with peers.


The root of sexuality is not a physical organ. Instead, it is a psychological process that takes place in the mind. Although this might sound counter-intuitive, the evidence supports the idea. Scientists have discovered mutant fruit flies that court the same sex. In fact, they are now closer to pinpointing the part of the brain that attracts these flies.

It is imperative to understand the root of sexuality in order to understand the nature of sex. Despite being an esoteric concept, sex is not a natural gift. It is a psychological process that has been conditioned by the forces of nature. It is a complex process that must be cultivated in order to be a positive experience.


Shag is an intransitive verb meaning “to shake” and “to wiggle about.” It is also a verb meaning “to masturbate.” In the United Kingdom, shagging refers to a particular kind of mating behavior that takes place during intercourse. This mating behavior is commonly associated with masturbation, and it is also referred to as “fucking.”

The word shag first entered popular English in the 18th century. It originally meant “to shake or toss around.” This term probably derives from the Middle English word shogge, which meant “to move backwards.” The word became popularized in the 1950s after appearing in the Austin Powers movie.


Ravish is a term used in English to describe an act of sexual assault. It originated as a Latin word, meaning to rape or seize someone. The word gained its current meaning of sexual assault in the early 18th century. Before its use in this context, rape had a different meaning, such as robbery. In Middle English, the word ravish was used in the same way as rape, but with a more positive meaning – that of an intense emotion. This definition of rape shows that a person who rapes someone can cause them misery.

Ravish is a term used for an act of sexual intercourse with a person who refuses to give consent. The term is semantically related to “have sex with,” but there is no exact relation between the two. While “ravish” is more commonly used as a verb, “have sex with” is the preferred alternative.